This functionality allows you to receive an SMS message on your mobile phone to notify you when an online booking has been received. You may define how many days out from the booking commencement date that you wish to receive these notifications.
Click on the Manage tab.
Click on Account Settings from the left hand side menu, then SMS Notification.
Select ‘Service Status’ as ‘On’.
Enter your mobile telephone number.
In the Notification Rules field, enter the number of days out from the booking commencement date that you wish to receive notification about a booking (enter 0 if you want to be notified of all future online bookings).
Read the Service Terms and Conditions and click in the ‘I accept’ box.
Click on "Save".
Follow the instructions within the Service Terms and Conditions - ie you will need to copy and paste the text provided into an email and send to Helpdesk in order to confirm your opt-in to the service and purchase a batch of sms messages (the cost is stated in the Service Terms and Condition).
Once you have enabled, the SMS service as detailed above, when an online booking is received into the System with a booking commencement date within the range you have defined, you will immediately receive an SMS message to your nominated mobile phone. The message will contain the following information:
Guest’s name
Commencing and Concluding dates
Product code
Guest’s phone number as supplied: Home, Work, and/or Mobile
Distributor through which the booking came,for example, your website, a visitor centre,or other distribution channel.
For example, if an online booking is received into your System in the next couple of days, and you have entered ‘7 days’ in Step 5, you will receive a will receive notification via an SMS message that looks like this:
“Peter Jones in 05 Mar 05 out 07 Mar 05 DS mb: 0411123456 wk: 0812345678 hm: 0812345678 via southaustraliacom_SATC”
Please note, you cannot respond to these SMS messages.
The Customer will not receive any responses sent; they are for your notification
purposes only.