
The Category list allows for the grouping of customers into a number of pre-defined marketing segments (Categories and Sub-Categories). When taking a booking through Res, the user can determine the Categories and Sub Categories to which the customer belows from drop down boxes in the booking screen. This information can then be used for marketing via CRM functions, and producing reports available via the optional Business Management Reports Module.

View/Enter Categories 

  1. In Marketing, click on CRM from the left hand menu, then Set up Categories. If you have previously entered Categories, they will appear in this section as a list. 

  2. Enter the new Category title into the next available Category Field, and enter up to three Sub Categories in the Sub Category Fields beneath. (Click on the " Add more Sub Categories" button to create more Sub Category fields if necessary.) 

  3. Click on the " Add more Categories" button to create more Category fields if necessary

  4. Click on the " Save" button.   

Delete a Category 

  1. In Marketing, click on CRM from the left hand menu, then Set up Categories. If you have previously entered Categories, they will appear in this section as a list. 

  2. Click into the box where the existing category is listed, and delete the text.

  3. Click on the " Save" button.