Rate Guard

This OPTIONAL function provides a warning if an unusual rate is entered in the Daily Rate Manager, the Rate Loader Tool or the Rate Update Tool.

Once you set up your lowest and highest acceptable rates in the Rate Guard, you will receive an alert if you ever enter a rate outside of these values. This is designed to alert you to any input errors.


Set Up Rate Guard

  1. Click on the Manage tab, then Products and Rates>Rate Guard from the left hand menu.

  2. Once you are in the Rate Guard screen, choose the Product you wish to enter the rate guard for from the drop-down list

  3. In the ‘Lowest acceptable rate’ box, enter the lowest rate you would expect to sell a room (for the year).

  4. In the ‘Highest acceptable rate’ box, enter the highest rate you would expect to sell a room at (for the year).

  5. Ensure the ‘Enable rate guard for this product’ box is ticked.

  6. Click Save.

  7. A message will then confirm that the Rate Guard has been set correctly.

  8. You may then repeat this process for each product you wish to use Rate Guard for by selecting different products from the drop-down list.



Should you accidentally type in a figure outside of the specified acceptable rate range (either in the Daily Rate Manager, the Rate Loader Tool or the Rate Update Tool), the Rate Guard will alert you by displaying a yellow triangle against the erroneous rate, as shown in the screen below.
